From startuppers for entrepreneurial minds.

Rubicon – a small river in the north of Italy, where Julius Caesar proclaimed: “alea iacta est” – the dice is cast –  before he crossed the river with his army and triggered the Roman civil war.

Statistically, entrepreneurs make more than five risky decisions every day. And these are real entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs with experience who understand their work.

When we founded and built our companies, we were in our early twenties. We had no experience and we would not have called ourselves ‘entrepreneurs’. Over the years we’ve made many decisions – both good and bad ones and some that we would not repeat.

We want to help organizations – corporations, academic institutions, public institutions and young companies. We want to help them make the strategically correct decisions, advise on and navigate topics relevant to founding a company and to provide entrepreneurship with heart and mind. Because we have founded companies ourselves, are carved from the same wood and want to share our experience now.

Welcome to rubiconcepts!


We are entrepreneurs.

Everyone has their own story and their own priorities. We started in our early twenties, joining over 20 years of startup experience. In our work in and for start-ups, we were responsible for a combined annual revenue in the double-digit million range. Everyone has their own experiences and yet we have noticed that some patterns, some mistakes and some insights have repeated themselves for all of us. Whether in the consumer, tech or fashion industry.


Lucas Pulkert

Lucas Pulkert (LinkedIN)
  • Studied in Bergen (Norway) and Mannheim (Germany)
  • Since 2013 founder and managing director of stilfaser GmbH,
    the company behind the fashion brand “von Jungfeld
  • Private lecturer at EC-Campus Frankfurt
  • Free marketing consultant
  • Attaches importance to being an otter in the Indian horoscope
  • What he does well: Marketing & Brand Building, Investor Relations,
    Online Trade, Product Development

Sebastian Steininger

Sebastian Steininger (LinkedIN)
  • Studied in Istanbul (Turkey) and Mannheim (Germany)
  • Founded in 2014 the Carrus Cultus GmbH,
    the company behind the brand “Herrenfahrt
  • Winner of the Mannheim Entrepreneurship Price
    (category: creative industry) with “Herrenfahrt” in 2016
  • Since 2019 founder of FCKNG FASHION, the fashion brand behind the music label FCKNG SERIOUS
  • Is able to bring up situational humor … with enough lead time
  • What he does well: Brand-Building & Marketing, Project Management

Kai S. Utzinger


We see ourselves as an interface between consulting and business angels. All the topics in which we offer our services have already been taken care of and worked on personally.

We always try to provide our clients with very individual and creative concepts. Below you will find an overview of project categories for different target groups to get a better idea:

The Rubiconcepts Model Kit

  • Business start-up advice – real and in color,
  • Development of Business Model Canvases
  • We are business angels and devils at the same time – from the business plan to the operational support of individual topics
  • Innovation Promotion & Design Thinking
  • Product Development & Management
  • Keynote speeches
  • Presentations, interviews

For whom is this kit suitable?

  • All those who always wanted to experience entrepreneurial action and thinking on their own body!

Rubiconcepts’ 3-Step Program of Innovation

This program is specifically designed to provide disruptive and creative input for your application.

Step 1: 

Food for thought:
What corporates really can learn from startups – and what not
About agile working methods and tools from the startup world (depending on the topic to define, here are the buzzwords)
Keynote speech:
3 startups and their founder story – and what we can learn from it for ourselves

Step 2: 

The notorious pitch. Only that the experienced entrepreneur does not sit back and wait, what the young savages tell him – but the other way around! Companies are pitching their business model ahead of the infamous rubiconsultants.

Step 3: 

We do the homework and get uncomfortable – and look at your products, your market, your business model and your people. Through us, let us examine your business model specifically from the outside in order to rethink the status quo – and perhaps even think about changes.

For whom is the 3-Step program suitable?

  • Corporations
  • Small and medium sized companies
  • Public institutions
  • Societies

Rubicon Academy – Learn the Startup Way

It is extremely important for us to gain insight into the world of entrepreneurship during academic education. That’s why we launched the Rubicon Academy – with the goal of offering scientific institutions products, showing students as early as possible that they should think creatively and solution-oriented themselves to make a difference in the world.

For whom is the academy suitable?

  • Scientific institutions
  • Public organizations

Sprints over Rubicon – Think and act like a Startup 

We call this “Hands on Intrapreneurship”: Within a short time we work together to solve the problem of a real business case. Promote innovation together and get to know the agile working methods of the startup world. After brainstorming, the prototyping of the conceived project / product takes place.

For whom are the sprints suitable?

  • Public institutions such as IHKs, economic development etc.
  • Corporations
  • SMEs
  • (Startup) Events
  • Scientific institutions


This is what our partners say about us:



Our Partners



Think in a “startupish” way together? Interested in a workshop? Together crossing the Rubicon? We are having fun for everyone!
Write us a non-binding inquiry – we look forward to hearing from you!

Alternatively, download a brief information package about rubiconcepts here: rubiconcepts – Short & Sweet.